orthodox church in Mikulov
Eastern Christian Church of St. Nicolas
St. Nicolas´ Church, built in the neo-gothic style, was used by German Protestants until 1945. After their departure the church began to dilapidate until in 1997 it was purchased by the Eastern Christian Church transforming it into functional Eastern Christian Church.
basic information
year-round, during services or by telephone arrangement
The originally evangelic Church of St. Nicolas was built in the neo-gothic style in 1903 for the local German Protestants. The new building was used for its purpose until 1945, after that dilapidating for many years, until purchased in the latter half of 1990s by Eastern Christian Church. The Church initiated extensive reconstruction changing the church into a functional Eastern Christian Church. The interior of the single-nave longitudinal building of unbleached brick and cut stone was decorated with paintings with Early Christina motives by painter Joža Úprka. After the transformation of the church to Eastern Christian chapel the original paintings were restored by painter Nikos Armutidis, who had to completely repaint some of the paintings.
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